Monday, February 12, 2007

to be or not to be...

this is my precious little nephew, top. he is so adorable. but let's be my feelings about him didn't start out that way, in fact, they don't stay that fond all the time. he is so cute and most of the time super sweet... until he wants momma... and i, i am not momma! just in the past month he has started accepting the bottle, the months before that, were trying. i started out this whole venture swearing i would never have kids... they just weren't for me, then a few months in i knew i had made the right decision. i just cannot see myself being able to do this 24/7... i mean the perk of taking care of them now, is that i can leave at 5... but as the momma... that role does not exist. it wasnt until the other day that i thought about changing my mind about kids... top, being the little doll baby that he is, grabbed a hold of my face and just smiled and tried to talk to me... it was so cute. more than being cute, he recognized me... he knew who i was. it was kind of fun. but i am still thinking my patience level will run out when it comes to the little ones. i like dogs... i like sleep... i do not like crying! :) all in all i know that God knows what is best and if he wants us to have little ones i will do my best to be a good mommy, but if not... i will be fine with my three fur children.

Lyndsey Brooke

Thursday, December 21, 2006

splish splash...

this is my niece, and over the past few months i have been taking care of her and her little brother. today we (she) had a bubble bath... and she was just having too much fun for me to ignore it. makes me wonder why we don't take baths like this anymore...

after you get yourself good and clean, you must admire the shining skin, pretty toes, and think to yourself that everything is just right!

i love these pictures, she is adorable and words cannot describe how beautiful these kids really are...


Thursday, November 30, 2006

true beauty...

i love being out on a job and in the midst of all the hurry to get that perfect shot, God still has time to reveal a small piece of his true beauty to us. without a word, a sound, or even a whisper we get that feeling that we are all a small part of something great. i was out taking family pictures for the davis family (go pokes) when all of the sudden i looked over my shoulder and saw something Godly beautiful... it took my breath away and i merely attempted to capture it behind my lens. God is so good and his art is more beautiful than any of us can dream to create.

i truly love God's art! :)


Thursday, October 19, 2006

fur children...

family portrait. they kind of thought that the "sitting on the fireplace" idea was a bad one. we took several and this is the only one they are all looking at the camera. lily pretty much looks like she is terrified. they boys... just didnt know what i was doing!

now here is our oldest... lily. her birthday is coming up soon and she is going to be 2. i can't believe she is already getting so big... man you should have seen her baby pictures... adorable. i personally think you cannot beat the cuteness of a beagle puppy.

to get this shot i had to crawl up really close to her... by the time i got positioned, she cocked her head and just stared at me, as if to say, "mom, what are you doing, and what is that on your face?"... i love her!

now meet 'big boss' bosley. he is ginormous... he was born on june 13th and already weighs about 28 to 30 pounds, easy. he is a big teddy bear. he gets his feelings hurt so easy. it is so cute. he has no idea that he is big. so sweet.

he was pooped... he had had enough. this whole model thing was not what he had signed up for... but look how cute he is... how can a mom resist?

last, but certainly not least... duke. he is a doll baby. he thinks that every humans sole purpose is to hold him. he has no idea that he is not lily's size. he thinks he's little. well, at a whopping 26 pounds and growing, he definately is not little...

he was tired... and didnt want to take anymore pictures. he was so frusterated... here mom and dad were so close, but yet we werent petting him. he thought we were evil parents...

well, these are my precious babies... and what kind of photographer would i be if i didnt take pictures of my babies!


Thursday, September 28, 2006

one of my favorites...

This picture was so fun to take. Carissa, my sister, was sitting on the stairs for a portrait I was going to take of her, Sarah sat down on the other side by the wall waiting for the next picture, and then a lightbulb flashed... I would pose Sarah just like Carissa and create a "mirror" look. I love the finished product. It is a great form of symbolism for me. I love it.

So here it is, my mirror with two faces... (yes i know that sounds cheesy). I love this picture!


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

the triplets...

This was my final session, this year, with Matt, Sarah and Mark. They have been so great to photograph and how can you not get fabulous pictures with so many beautiful kids (young adults). This is just a sample of how great their pictures turned out... you would be looking all day if I posted them all.

I promised Debbie, their mom, that I would take a good close-up of the boys.

And this would be Mark's close-up.

Again, great, great people to photograph. They are very photogenic. Thanks!


Thursday, September 21, 2006


ok, ok i may have put a few too many pics for one entry, but i had such a blast taking these pictures. it's my sister... what can i say, she is my favorite subject to photograph. not only is she gorgeous, but she has become very photogenic. yes it is true, there was a time in the beginnings of my 'career' that she did not take the best of pictures. but now we are past that, and it is encouraging to know that with practice comes perfection... on both ends of the camera! carissa and i have gotten to the point now where i can just give her an idea and she can go with it... or i can pose her and she can make it natural. i love it! it is almost like having my own personal model... she could be... she should be... maybe i should look into that!

on this one i actually caught her laughing... i love "action" shots where you really just get the person in mid laugh. she can be such a goob sometimes... have i said that i love her yet?

this one is one of my favorite abstract shots. it isn't completely abstract but it is very different, not so traditional...

i think we are going to blow this up and use it for decoration in her room. she has a real different sense of art and i think this is just cool... plus it would go great with her decore.

last but not least, she was posing for another picture here, and then heard something and looked off to the side, it just looked so relaxed and unposed... i had to capture it and make it one of my favorites!

i am so thankful for such a wonderful, loving and well down right beautiful family... God has made my job easy... he created the beauty and i just attempt to freeze it!
