to be or not to be...
this is my precious little nephew, top. he is so adorable. but let's be my feelings about him didn't start out that way, in fact, they don't stay that fond all the time. he is so cute and most of the time super sweet... until he wants momma... and i, i am not momma! just in the past month he has started accepting the bottle, the months before that, were trying. i started out this whole venture swearing i would never have kids... they just weren't for me, then a few months in i knew i had made the right decision. i just cannot see myself being able to do this 24/7... i mean the perk of taking care of them now, is that i can leave at 5... but as the momma... that role does not exist. it wasnt until the other day that i thought about changing my mind about kids... top, being the little doll baby that he is, grabbed a hold of my face and just smiled and tried to talk to me... it was so cute. more than being cute, he recognized me... he knew who i was. it was kind of fun. but i am still thinking my patience level will run out when it comes to the little ones. i like dogs... i like sleep... i do not like crying! :) all in all i know that God knows what is best and if he wants us to have little ones i will do my best to be a good mommy, but if not... i will be fine with my three fur children.

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