one of my favorites...

this is my place to leave inspiration to forever be found... photography is what adds color to the greys in my life and i love forever being able to find the inspiration i had when i first captured the moment.
And this would be Mark's close-up.
Again, great, great people to photograph. They are very photogenic. Thanks!
this one is one of my favorite abstract shots. it isn't completely abstract but it is very different, not so traditional...
i think we are going to blow this up and use it for decoration in her room. she has a real different sense of art and i think this is just cool... plus it would go great with her decore.
last but not least, she was posing for another picture here, and then heard something and looked off to the side, it just looked so relaxed and unposed... i had to capture it and make it one of my favorites!
i am so thankful for such a wonderful, loving and well down right beautiful family... God has made my job easy... he created the beauty and i just attempt to freeze it!
i love days like these where the lighting is phenomenol, the subject is gorgeous and the weather is perfect... it makes my job one hundred times easier... sarah i love you!
and then there are those that will just look into the camera blankly... as if to say i hate you and please get that huge thing out of my face. thus bringing you mia. she was a friend of paige's and came to say hi. paige wanted to play and mia, well she just wanted a cookie... (i have learned bribes work pretty well with kids! meet mia...
i am hoping to get a nack for all of this soon... it is challenging, but you can't have a better subject than a child... they are adorable, unpredictable and pretty much the pictures can be a bust or breath-taking.
they are absolutely all great kids... piper is the oldest, danica is next, then lauren and then topp. dani and lauren, not so interested in aunt lyndsey taking their pictures... but they are SO cute, how can you resist? you can't.
yes, i know i have a gorgeous family... just wait until i post the pictures of piper and dani. then you will really know how pretty my nieces and nephew are...
and those are my favorites... i have to make time for studying soon...