Thursday, September 14, 2006

family portraits part two...

so this is piper and dani... they are adorable. piper is a little diva (she is the oldest of her family and all the bjerk kids). again, absolutely adorable. she loves having her pictures taken and knows all her favorite poses... dani on the other hand... well she is adorable, sweet and onery. she doesn't like the concept of sitting still long enough for pictures. she sees it as pure torture. these pictures were taken last night and i was having a MAJOR creative block. i got chewed out at work by my fantabulous boss and so i wasn't really in the mood, however, i decided it would be a good learning experience and opted to do it anyway. plus, i find myself in my photography and i figured it would be a good way to unwind from my crazy schedule at the church. so, let me introduce you to my blonde nieces... piper and danica!

they are absolutely all great kids... piper is the oldest, danica is next, then lauren and then topp. dani and lauren, not so interested in aunt lyndsey taking their pictures... but they are SO cute, how can you resist? you can't.
